mi corazón aplastado - dolido y abandonado - ¡a ver! ¡a ver! tú sabes, dime mi amor - ¿cuánto amor y qué dolor nos quedo?
Miserably long and boring day today. But it could always get worse, or at least thus saith the Random Obituary Generator of Doom:
We regret to announce the unfortunate passing of Hope Matis, who on the 3rd of April of this year was randomly perforated by an angry cow. This unfortunate incident occurred in a manure pile in Las Calamas, CA. The deceased was reported to have shouted "Does anyone have a band-aid?" just before expiring. Hope Matis is survived by a bunch of cats, who could really care less. Funeral services will be held the 2nd of next month.
I think it's a rather fitting demise, really. If there were anywhere I would be likely to be found in the off season it would probably be in the vicinity of a manure pile. Horse though, not cow, and I'll be damned if I'm found in California. Wrong coast. The cat bit would be true - though they could possibly shed a small tear for the loss of my role as She Who Bringeth Food.
Perforated. I like that.

We regret to announce the unfortunate passing of Hope Matis, who on the 3rd of April of this year was randomly perforated by an angry cow. This unfortunate incident occurred in a manure pile in Las Calamas, CA. The deceased was reported to have shouted "Does anyone have a band-aid?" just before expiring. Hope Matis is survived by a bunch of cats, who could really care less. Funeral services will be held the 2nd of next month.
I think it's a rather fitting demise, really. If there were anywhere I would be likely to be found in the off season it would probably be in the vicinity of a manure pile. Horse though, not cow, and I'll be damned if I'm found in California. Wrong coast. The cat bit would be true - though they could possibly shed a small tear for the loss of my role as She Who Bringeth Food.
Perforated. I like that.

In Times and Places
Per tempi e luoghi
There was the solitary palm, or scattered clumps
c'era la palma sola o a branchi radi
yet I know they don't grow outside that circle
ma so che oltre quel cerchio essa non cresce
there's only naked sand there, a broad expanse
resta la sabbia nuda, la distesa
that swallows your step, where running ahead
dove affondi la gamba, dov'è scesa
a woman descends and comes to a stop,
la donna corsa avanti che s'arresta
frightened by the open space surrounding her
sgomenta nell'Aperto che la cerchia
the blue sky's monotonal hum
il suono monocorde dell'azzurro
rising up in silence to the heavens
che s'alza nel silenzio fino al cielo
without a shred of white or single feather
senza una striscia bianca, senza una piuma
is like the fever misting over me
è come questa febbre che m'appanna
poet versed in the desert and its vastness
poeta che conosci il deserto vasto
I myself was there only once
ci sono stato io una volta sola
as a tourist self-enclosed in glass
come turista che si serra ai vetri
on a long journey where he's the most alone
nel lungo viaggio dove è il più solo
twitching with the fever and consternation
trasale per la febbre e lo sgomento
first there was a chalk-white little village
c'era prima un villaggio calcinato
of the sort you sometimes see in creches
come talvolta vedi nei presepi
but no water flows here, there's no water-mill
ma qui non scorre l'acqua, non c'è il mulino
even the earth not green but pale red
trapassa nell'azzurro anche la terra verde
like she-goats transpierces the sky's blue
no, ma rossiccia come capra
and even the giant African violets
e la viola africana gigantesca
stand out distinct against the blue
anche lei nell'azzurro ci si staglia
it was a long trip, first the olive trees
è stato un lungo viaggio prima gli olivi
then a heathland blowing with a cold wind
poi una landa con il vento freddo
and the salt-flats gleaming white and perfect
e le piane di sale bianche e perfette
that icy air brought on the fever
la febbre la portò quell'aria ghiaccia
gusting beside the great disk that dazzled
spira lungo il gran disco che m'abbaglia
with its gloomy warmth and strange light
per il suo cupo caldo e la sua luce
one god alone inhabits the desert
un solo dio abita il deserto
and fashions mirages, raises the sand
e compone i miraggi, alza la sabbia
that enters the tent and pervades the dreams
entra dentro la tenda pervade il sogno
of the shepherd of peoples and flocks
del pastore di popoli e di greggi
the god of the empire knows that in the desert
dio dell'imperio sa che nel deserto
the sand always wins, shall win the planet
vince la sabbia e vince nel pianeta
but in my woodlands the gods move about,
ma nei miei boschi passano gli dei
hiding in grottoes and wellsprings in earth
stanno dentro le fonti e nelle grotte
they appear of a sudden on the footpaths
s'accostano improvvisi nel cammino
seldom wise, ever quick to laughter
di rado sono saggi, pronti al riso
and to anger and coupling with humans
all'ira e all'amplesso cogli umani
I remember Cerveteri and the asphodels on round
Cerveteri ricordo, cogli asfodeli su tumuli
tumuli, the grass sloping down and the ruts of a cart
rotondi, l'erba che scende, il solco di quel carro
vanishing into streets of the dead toward the living
che si perde nelle strade dei morti incontro ai vivi
while I move with you my blonde amid the dog-roses
e io passo con te mia bionda amica tra le rose canine,
through white flowers and an acanthus bush
tra fiori bianchi e quel cespuglio d'acanto
that closes our story to the voices around us
che chiude la nostra storia alle voci d'intorno
the Etruscan as well knew the desert
conobbero il deserto anche gli etruschi
or what the desert was like when streams flowed
o com'era il deserto quando d'intorno
all round it and the timid young doe
la timida cerbiatta s'addentrava
lightly entered the palm-grove
scorrevano i ruscelli e nel palmetto
a few steps ahead of that lone god
prima che arrivasse quel solo dio
who cares little for idylls but speaks
che non ama l'idillio ma che parla
from brambles or through the sand or the storm
dai rovi o tra la sabbia o la tempesta
inside the last tent the Etruscan sees
dentro l'ultima tenda l'etrusco vede
a colorful duck hung from a pole
l'anatra colorata appesa al palo
the skies of Maremma teeming with flight
fitti di voli i cieli di Maremma
the clear brooks all brimming with fish
colmi di pesci tutti i rivi chiari
he takes dear life down with him into his grave
porta nella sua tomba la cara vita
he'll have it thereafter forever around him
l'avrà fissa d'intorno per l'eterno
I was thinking of Achilles, of that great mournful shade
ad Achille pensavo, alla grande ombra mesta
in the Elysian Fields, with the bright grass around me
nei Campi Elisi, e mi cerchiava l'erba luminosa
May the greenest, most swollen month of all
maggio di tutti i mesi il più gonfio e verde
better to be a swineherd in the hot sun
meglio fare il porcaro nel caldo sole
than prince of the dead for gloomy Hades
che principe dei morti per l'Ade grigio
when the young boys fell into the Scamander
caddero i giovinetti nello Scamandro
regret gave out its final breath
e fu l'ultimo fiato di rimpianto
one autumn long ago I came here
in un lontano autunno ero venuto
with Rosaria, different time
qui con Rosaria, il tempo differente
was dead forever but hadn't been so for long
era morto per sempre ma da poco
from the black dismay that overcame me
per il nero sgomento che mi colse
I gazed at your body, so large and dark,
io guardavo il tuo corpo grande e scuro
and at the mirror behind, and the distant sea
lo specchio che era dietro, il mare in fondo
that body I enter inside and cling to
quel tuo corpo in cui entro e mi ci stringo
the only one that can ever unchain me
il solo che mi stacchi dalla catena
your hair is like a thicket of shrubs
i tuoi capelli sono come arbusti
that I grab and twist and then inhale
che io afferro e tormento e poi odoro
later I saw the quadrangular church
ho rivisto poi la chiesa quadra
rising bright and potent upon the walls
s'alza potente e chiara sulle mura
before it lies the verdigris Etruscan sea
ha in faccia il mare etrusco verderame
a stump of black henbane had filtered through
un ceppo di giusquiamo era filtrato
the white stone and basked in the sunlight
dalla sua pietra bianca gode la luce
the round lake of Bracciano is a mirror
il tondo lago di Bracciano è specchio
to the woods around it, among the great alders
alle selve d'intorno, tra i grandi ontani
you would lie down only for a moment
solo un momento ti saresti distesa
and only for an instant would I pluck you there
per un istante solo t'avrei colta
so tense and absolute in the shimmer
così assoluta e tesa nel lucore
radiating from the grasses, blending
che trapassa le erbe, mescola il giallo
the early broom's yellow with the honey of your skin
della prima ginestra al miele della pelle
and blond hair that smelled of young branches
ai capelli biondissimi che sanno di ramo nuovo
and leaves
e foglia
and a peaceful town at the bottom of the lake
quindi un quieto paese in fondo al lago
as at other times like this, my heart was aching
come altre volte mi stringeva il cuore
it's time for us to leave, the sky looks like rain
che ce ne andiamo e il cielo quasi piove
your body and the grasses, the fields and flowers
il tuo corpo e le erbe i campi e i fiori
all passes on now it's time to go back
tutto trascorre è tempo di tornare
I am leaving in spring this time around
parto questa volta di primavera
the meadows are yellow from the turnips
i prati sono gialli per le rape
but as before I see again the Appenines
ma come allora scorgo l'Appennino
gathering clouds and mist around their summits
che addensa nubi e nebbie alle sue cime
Umberto Piersanti
Da: Per tempi e luoghi, Porretta Terme, I Quaderni del Battello Ebbro, 1999
Per tempi e luoghi
There was the solitary palm, or scattered clumps
c'era la palma sola o a branchi radi
yet I know they don't grow outside that circle
ma so che oltre quel cerchio essa non cresce
there's only naked sand there, a broad expanse
resta la sabbia nuda, la distesa
that swallows your step, where running ahead
dove affondi la gamba, dov'è scesa
a woman descends and comes to a stop,
la donna corsa avanti che s'arresta
frightened by the open space surrounding her
sgomenta nell'Aperto che la cerchia
the blue sky's monotonal hum
il suono monocorde dell'azzurro
rising up in silence to the heavens
che s'alza nel silenzio fino al cielo
without a shred of white or single feather
senza una striscia bianca, senza una piuma
is like the fever misting over me
è come questa febbre che m'appanna
poet versed in the desert and its vastness
poeta che conosci il deserto vasto
I myself was there only once
ci sono stato io una volta sola
as a tourist self-enclosed in glass
come turista che si serra ai vetri
on a long journey where he's the most alone
nel lungo viaggio dove è il più solo
twitching with the fever and consternation
trasale per la febbre e lo sgomento
first there was a chalk-white little village
c'era prima un villaggio calcinato
of the sort you sometimes see in creches
come talvolta vedi nei presepi
but no water flows here, there's no water-mill
ma qui non scorre l'acqua, non c'è il mulino
even the earth not green but pale red
trapassa nell'azzurro anche la terra verde
like she-goats transpierces the sky's blue
no, ma rossiccia come capra
and even the giant African violets
e la viola africana gigantesca
stand out distinct against the blue
anche lei nell'azzurro ci si staglia
it was a long trip, first the olive trees
è stato un lungo viaggio prima gli olivi
then a heathland blowing with a cold wind
poi una landa con il vento freddo
and the salt-flats gleaming white and perfect
e le piane di sale bianche e perfette
that icy air brought on the fever
la febbre la portò quell'aria ghiaccia
gusting beside the great disk that dazzled
spira lungo il gran disco che m'abbaglia
with its gloomy warmth and strange light
per il suo cupo caldo e la sua luce
one god alone inhabits the desert
un solo dio abita il deserto
and fashions mirages, raises the sand
e compone i miraggi, alza la sabbia
that enters the tent and pervades the dreams
entra dentro la tenda pervade il sogno
of the shepherd of peoples and flocks
del pastore di popoli e di greggi
the god of the empire knows that in the desert
dio dell'imperio sa che nel deserto
the sand always wins, shall win the planet
vince la sabbia e vince nel pianeta
but in my woodlands the gods move about,
ma nei miei boschi passano gli dei
hiding in grottoes and wellsprings in earth
stanno dentro le fonti e nelle grotte
they appear of a sudden on the footpaths
s'accostano improvvisi nel cammino
seldom wise, ever quick to laughter
di rado sono saggi, pronti al riso
and to anger and coupling with humans
all'ira e all'amplesso cogli umani
I remember Cerveteri and the asphodels on round
Cerveteri ricordo, cogli asfodeli su tumuli
tumuli, the grass sloping down and the ruts of a cart
rotondi, l'erba che scende, il solco di quel carro
vanishing into streets of the dead toward the living
che si perde nelle strade dei morti incontro ai vivi
while I move with you my blonde amid the dog-roses
e io passo con te mia bionda amica tra le rose canine,
through white flowers and an acanthus bush
tra fiori bianchi e quel cespuglio d'acanto
that closes our story to the voices around us
che chiude la nostra storia alle voci d'intorno
the Etruscan as well knew the desert
conobbero il deserto anche gli etruschi
or what the desert was like when streams flowed
o com'era il deserto quando d'intorno
all round it and the timid young doe
la timida cerbiatta s'addentrava
lightly entered the palm-grove
scorrevano i ruscelli e nel palmetto
a few steps ahead of that lone god
prima che arrivasse quel solo dio
who cares little for idylls but speaks
che non ama l'idillio ma che parla
from brambles or through the sand or the storm
dai rovi o tra la sabbia o la tempesta
inside the last tent the Etruscan sees
dentro l'ultima tenda l'etrusco vede
a colorful duck hung from a pole
l'anatra colorata appesa al palo
the skies of Maremma teeming with flight
fitti di voli i cieli di Maremma
the clear brooks all brimming with fish
colmi di pesci tutti i rivi chiari
he takes dear life down with him into his grave
porta nella sua tomba la cara vita
he'll have it thereafter forever around him
l'avrà fissa d'intorno per l'eterno
I was thinking of Achilles, of that great mournful shade
ad Achille pensavo, alla grande ombra mesta
in the Elysian Fields, with the bright grass around me
nei Campi Elisi, e mi cerchiava l'erba luminosa
May the greenest, most swollen month of all
maggio di tutti i mesi il più gonfio e verde
better to be a swineherd in the hot sun
meglio fare il porcaro nel caldo sole
than prince of the dead for gloomy Hades
che principe dei morti per l'Ade grigio
when the young boys fell into the Scamander
caddero i giovinetti nello Scamandro
regret gave out its final breath
e fu l'ultimo fiato di rimpianto
one autumn long ago I came here
in un lontano autunno ero venuto
with Rosaria, different time
qui con Rosaria, il tempo differente
was dead forever but hadn't been so for long
era morto per sempre ma da poco
from the black dismay that overcame me
per il nero sgomento che mi colse
I gazed at your body, so large and dark,
io guardavo il tuo corpo grande e scuro
and at the mirror behind, and the distant sea
lo specchio che era dietro, il mare in fondo
that body I enter inside and cling to
quel tuo corpo in cui entro e mi ci stringo
the only one that can ever unchain me
il solo che mi stacchi dalla catena
your hair is like a thicket of shrubs
i tuoi capelli sono come arbusti
that I grab and twist and then inhale
che io afferro e tormento e poi odoro
later I saw the quadrangular church
ho rivisto poi la chiesa quadra
rising bright and potent upon the walls
s'alza potente e chiara sulle mura
before it lies the verdigris Etruscan sea
ha in faccia il mare etrusco verderame
a stump of black henbane had filtered through
un ceppo di giusquiamo era filtrato
the white stone and basked in the sunlight
dalla sua pietra bianca gode la luce
the round lake of Bracciano is a mirror
il tondo lago di Bracciano è specchio
to the woods around it, among the great alders
alle selve d'intorno, tra i grandi ontani
you would lie down only for a moment
solo un momento ti saresti distesa
and only for an instant would I pluck you there
per un istante solo t'avrei colta
so tense and absolute in the shimmer
così assoluta e tesa nel lucore
radiating from the grasses, blending
che trapassa le erbe, mescola il giallo
the early broom's yellow with the honey of your skin
della prima ginestra al miele della pelle
and blond hair that smelled of young branches
ai capelli biondissimi che sanno di ramo nuovo
and leaves
e foglia
and a peaceful town at the bottom of the lake
quindi un quieto paese in fondo al lago
as at other times like this, my heart was aching
come altre volte mi stringeva il cuore
it's time for us to leave, the sky looks like rain
che ce ne andiamo e il cielo quasi piove
your body and the grasses, the fields and flowers
il tuo corpo e le erbe i campi e i fiori
all passes on now it's time to go back
tutto trascorre è tempo di tornare
I am leaving in spring this time around
parto questa volta di primavera
the meadows are yellow from the turnips
i prati sono gialli per le rape
but as before I see again the Appenines
ma come allora scorgo l'Appennino
gathering clouds and mist around their summits
che addensa nubi e nebbie alle sue cime
Umberto Piersanti
Da: Per tempi e luoghi, Porretta Terme, I Quaderni del Battello Ebbro, 1999
if you put your arms around me - could it change the way i feel - i guess i let myself believe that the outside might just bleed its way in
Lascia che l’imbrunire
inghiotta le nuvole bianco latte
punta lo specchio e rifletti te stessa
nel disco aranciato del giorno che s’addormenta.
inghiotta le nuvole bianco latte
punta lo specchio e rifletti te stessa
nel disco aranciato del giorno che s’addormenta.
io che suono tu che non rispondi
E’ un giorno dal colore asprigno
questo. dal suono grigio alluminio
dal gusto sordo.
la pioggia riciclata da un lontano
temporale non mi chiede il permesso
d’essere ospite al mio compleanno:
poco male. non ho preparato la torta.
~Massimo Rossi
you can fall for chains of silver - you can fall for chains of gold - you can fall for pretty strangers - and the promises they hold
A sad day for my sport.
There are a few more things to tell from this level, the level of the restaurant. One is the old joke about breakfast. “It can never be satisfied, the mind, never.” Wallace Stevens wrote that, and in the long run he was right. The mind wants to live forever, or to learn a very good reason why not. The mind wants the world to return its love, or its awareness; the mind wants to know all the world, and all eternity, and God. The mind’s sidekick, however, will settle for two eggs over easy.
The dear, stupid body is as easily satisfied as a spaniel. And, incredibly, the simple spaniel can lure the brawling mind to its dish. It is everlastingly funny that the proud, metaphysically ambitious, clamoring mind will hush if you give it an egg.
~ Annie Dillard, Total Eclipse, from Teaching A Stone To Talk
The dear, stupid body is as easily satisfied as a spaniel. And, incredibly, the simple spaniel can lure the brawling mind to its dish. It is everlastingly funny that the proud, metaphysically ambitious, clamoring mind will hush if you give it an egg.
~ Annie Dillard, Total Eclipse, from Teaching A Stone To Talk
It seems Islanders has come back to haunt me. What had its humble beginnings as a hypertext project for a class has now shouldered into the current island world, and rumors of publication fly. Without a doubt I never expected the thing to be read by anyone besides my professor at the time, but when the first email came I was alerted to the fact that apparently one can find anything on the Internet these days. I still don't know how a MacMahaner came across the damn thing, much less one who knew my family, but there you are. Being published could be fun, though I didn't really write it to be read. It would have to be extended, fictionalized, improved - and I am a great believer in constant change. Were it to be written and published I would continuously return to it and see ways I could make it better, but it would be too late. Decisions, decisions.
there it is and there it was - it was clear to all of us - we kept this hat of broken dreams - and we pulled them out, when we needed them around
And so the sixth week comes to an undramatic close, save for the fact that even after four days no one, student nor employee, seems to have quite recovered from the long holiday weekend. I confess myself one of their number, for various reasons.
Undoubtedly it feels like a Friday though. There is a sense of laziness and slowed action throughout the lab, people moving unhurriedly towards tasks half-finished and with little likelihood of being finished before the day is done. Fridays are over before they have begun. This is the unwritten law. Snickerdoodles on the table in the Drafting cubicle farm, headphones on ears, and eyes drawn more towards the email inbox than to the heat transfer on the desk.
I admit my laziness without shame. I finished the task assigned to me weeks ago - merely the mopping up remains. I enjoy being busy, but I enjoy being entertained by my business. Doing something of which you cannot see the point leeches the flavor from it.
Hard to believe that only four weeks officially remain of this adventure. Technically only two for work - next week are short courses and the last week is reserved for student presentations. Those who have finished look with longing eyes towards those days; those who have not are suddenly in a panic. Time is a tricky thing, to convince us that so much of it remains right up until it is all but gone.
Lucia di Lammermoor laments softly in my ears and I think about what was, what is, and what is to come.
Undoubtedly it feels like a Friday though. There is a sense of laziness and slowed action throughout the lab, people moving unhurriedly towards tasks half-finished and with little likelihood of being finished before the day is done. Fridays are over before they have begun. This is the unwritten law. Snickerdoodles on the table in the Drafting cubicle farm, headphones on ears, and eyes drawn more towards the email inbox than to the heat transfer on the desk.
I admit my laziness without shame. I finished the task assigned to me weeks ago - merely the mopping up remains. I enjoy being busy, but I enjoy being entertained by my business. Doing something of which you cannot see the point leeches the flavor from it.
Hard to believe that only four weeks officially remain of this adventure. Technically only two for work - next week are short courses and the last week is reserved for student presentations. Those who have finished look with longing eyes towards those days; those who have not are suddenly in a panic. Time is a tricky thing, to convince us that so much of it remains right up until it is all but gone.
Lucia di Lammermoor laments softly in my ears and I think about what was, what is, and what is to come.
well i ain't never been the barbie doll type - no i can't swig that sweet champagne - i'd rather drink beer all night
there’s so much left to learn - and no one left to fight - i wanna hold you high and steal your pain