Emotions can do incredible things to the mind and its various levels of consciousness and cognizance; for the good and the bad. I typically prefer to explore the depths of my mind exactly there: in my mind. Thoughts and feelings are much more free to flow in and out of existance there and are, in most cases, rather temporary. I don't like the idea of dwelling in the past on things that have occured and are passed by. I like to think that I take what i will from an experience as it happens; I let it do what it will to my being, and then let it pass away.
I do not think this person ever comes to this site any more; in fact it is quite likely that they will never see this post. Nevertheless I speak to that person now, asking why, all that time ago, did certain experiences not pass away, but rather take root and spread their rot through all that could have followed? Why were they not allowed to die their natural death, but instead resurrected again and again by an increasingly large circle of people unrelated to the original events, this time distorted, exaggerated, mutated into weapons? Maybe now they have indeed passed away in the mind, as they should have then, but one thing is certain: they should never have traveled by way of the tongue on their way to the grave.
Just curious.