
And once again with the resurgence of classes, work, and the myriad distractions that arise with the coming of the school year, Paideia becomes neglected. Perhaps in another life when I spent more than an hour a day in front of the computer screen (note: this is free time we're talking here, no modeling or schoolwork involved), I could be one of those bloggers who maintain a daily stream of anecdotes, fiction, and news. Perhaps. The material is there, just not the leisure to record it. So as it is, I must content myself with intermittency.

Be that as it may, I've also decided to keep this site functioning, and to do that I am going to have to inject it with a far more personal flavor than it has had thus far. Not too all out, of course - how much more frightening is it to consider that people you know well might be reading all those gory details than it is to think of total strangers doing the same? how backwards that is? - but more than the odd song lyric every five days. Henceforth, all song lyrics shall be accompanied by a comment at minimum. A sharp increase in the amount of random fictional shorts, pointless rambles, and interesting-things-that-happened-to-me-today shall be manifest.

All this being said, it's also almost tomorrow and I have an early class. So that's all, folks.


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