
On a whim I went to the old website for the HP101 course that spawned this weblog, and surfed through the entire list of my fellow classmates to see how many still had a tangible toehold in the world of cyberspace. Of the original 30-odd of us, including myself, all but seven ceased with the end of the course in 2003, or shortly thereafter. All but five made an attempt at resurrection but also ultimately ceased in 2004. Those last five continue to post, some daily, some intermittently. Some speak with passion of politics or other inflammatory topics, some hold simply to personal events and feelings. They have taken what began as yet another class project to be burdened with and made it their own, personalized it, placed whichever items they carry closest to their hearts at the forefront. Nowhere is there a trace of the literary discussion of hypertext which dominated the early weeks of these weblogs' existence - instead of existing for the purpose of discussing themselves, they have now become sites dedicated to the musings and thoughts and opinions of their makers. Which, I am sure, was the professor's intent all along.


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