
Last movie theater trip: Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Action, situational humor, battle of the sexes, marriage satire, un-subtle hints about honesty, and the overarching sweet whipped topping of true love. Also manages to star America's established most-sexy celebrities, thereby adding an eye-candy element for the un-discriminating and plot-indifferent audience. Was pleased to see that direction didn't go overboard on special effects or futuristic technology, and the requisite slow-motion bang bang shoot 'em up scenes were tasteful enough to be bearable. I quite enjoyed seeing Brad Pitt get stabbed in the leg with a throwing knife - our heroes are not the entirely invincible super-hitpersons that they could have been. Climax occurs by shattering a Better Homes and Gardens-style store with gunfire - metaphor for the picture-perfect Smith marriage and its fate, anyone? Overall a good flick for a nice enjoyable evening not requiring deep thought but bound to motivate its audience to go and practice shooting things. One stand-out scene: Angelina Jolie, who up till then has been her usual perpetually-smirking and always-cool figurehead for independent womanhood (who also wins every rifle skills and verbal sparring contest that comes up) cracks for thirty incredible touching seconds. An unexpected bit of powerful, moving emotion.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course you liked it when Mr. Smith got stabbed.... do you see Mrs. Smith get stabbed.... noooo

6:30 PM  
Blogger Hope said...

No. However, she does get shot, as well as pretty beat up in general. Think of it as taking one for the team...

7:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so your saying wives should allow there husbands to beat them and smack them around?

8:37 PM  
Blogger Hope said...

No, I said Brad Pitt getting stabbed in the leg was taking one for the team. Though of course we can't help but notice that the knife that was thrown with the same force as had been fatally puncturing nameless G-men moments before leaves him with a mere flesh wound...perhaps the Achilles juice hasn't quite worn off yet.

9:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

perhaps she just likes a little vigor in their relationhip and the knife incident was no accident, not so much to kill but to remind him....

9:23 PM  

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